Media, Press & Videos

EuSpRIG Press & Website

EuSpRIG and the Annual Conference is regularly covered in the international press, on web sites, discussion groups and blogs:

There are many links worldwide to the EuSpRIG website [see a 2010 report for more details]

EuSpRIG Presentations

EuSpRIG has been, and continues to be, invited to give talks & presentations internationally on spreadsheet risks and related tools and techniques:


EuSpRIG FSA Presentations

EuSpRIG has benefited from substantive and authoritative input from a senior member of the Financial Services Authority in previous years. In 2009 a keynote presentation was given by Deniz Sumengen of the Financial Reporting Council. We reproduce here the presentations given. We seek further active involvement from regulatory authorities and central banks.

To view the following presentations you need PowerPoint or the PowerPoint Viewer.